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A Conclave on Corporate Social Investment (CSI)
Location: Harvard Loeb House,  17 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
June 14, 2017--10:00 to 3:00 pm

The 1st Ideal Village conference was hosted by Science for Society, a public-private-philanthropic-community partnership, at Stanford University on June 15 2016, with the theme “Innovations for the Ideal Village”. Engagement of a wide range of multi-disciplinary experts and leading organizations led to a grant application to the MacArthur Foundation and the launch of an initial set of Ideal Village pilots in India. Science for Society and One World will feature similar topics, for the first time in the Boston area, in a conference entitled “Corporate Social Investing – Providing Value to All Stakeholders”.

Objective & Theme

The 2017 Conference in Cambridge, MA will be hosted by One World and Science for Society – a joint forum of voluntary global collaboration involving Scientists, Engineers, Business Leaders, Physicians, Educators, Social Workers, NGOs, for-profit Companies, Philanthropists, Government Agencies and other interested Professionals concerned about Societal Transformation and policies to alleviate inequality.

This year’s conference will focus on Corporate Social Investment – CSI.

A Corporation is no longer an intangible entity as conceived by Justice Marshal but rather “a corporate citizen”, as conceived by Peter Drucker. This citizenship implies active Commitment, it demands Responsibility. It is meant to make a difference to one’s Community, one’s Society, and one’s Country.

CSI, unlike CSR, is not an engagement in charity for the poor. Rather, it is an investment by corporations into their own future growth. It is not about giving, but creating value, and sharing that value with their stakeholders. A financially strong, healthier and better society will lead to stronger business growth. And the value so generated, will in fact flow back to the corporations through greater productivity, a more responsive community, and greater business opportunity. Corporate Social Responsibility then becomes Corporate Social Investment.  

The 2017 Conclave
Experts and leaders from the Corporate world, Academia, Government, Foundations, Trusts, NGOs and social organizations will actively participate in the CSI Conclave to understand the challenges and chart the future course for Corporations to develop an Institutional Logic which combines Leadership, Strategy and Behavior to achieve meaningful CSI.
The Keynote will be delivered by Dr. Shyam Kamath, Dean, College of Business, California State University, Monterey Bay. Dr. Kamath has more than 35 years’ experience in international education, international development and management, sustainable enterprise formation, global business consulting and university teaching. He has built responsible businesses (Profits, People, Ethics, Equity and Planet), worked with for-profit, non-profit, NGO, and government organizations, and co-created responsible businesses based on these principles globally.  His topic will be "Why is Corporate Social Value Creation and Corporate Social Investment So Hard – A Discovery Perspective".
There will be expert Round Table Discussions which will showcase best practices, innovative experience and thinking, and new routes to change.  
There is no charge to attend this conclave, and lunch will be provided.  Please indicate your interest in attending to the Conference Chair. 

Conference Chair: Kevin Sheehan, Hope Collaborative.

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Copyright 2016, Science For Society

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